3 Ways Builders Can Leverage Human Connections to Close Deals

Closing deals with prospective home buyers requires finesse, business savvy, and a nuanced approach. However, far too many home builders get so fixated on making the sale and talking numbers that they completely overlook the importance of the human connection.

This mistake can cause friction between homebuilders and prospective buyers. It may even cost a builder the deal altogether.

Fortunately, home builders can tap into human connections to close more deals and provide a better experience for buyers. They can accomplish this by employing the following tips:

1. Focusing on Relationships, Not Deals

Experienced home builders have spoken with hundreds, if not thousands, of buyers during the course of their careers. As a result, they may forget the weight of the conversation and come off as nonchalant. This can be off-putting to buyers and make them feel as though the builder does not really care about what they want or need.

Builders can avoid this problem by focusing on creating a relationship with the prospective buyer. Builders should ask a few relationship-building questions, such as “What features are you specifically looking for in a new home?” This attentiveness will make buyers feel that the builders actually care about them and not just the deal.

2. Being Upfront, Honest, and Transparent

No customer likes surprises. The bigger the transaction, the less tolerant prospective buyers are of unexpected expenses and hidden fees. Therefore, builders must always be upfront, honest, and transparent, especially when discussing costs.

Builders should provide pricing to buyers as soon as possible. They should also be forthright about any variables that could impact the cost of a build, such as the buyer deciding to upgrade all of the countertops in the home to a more expensive material.

This frank discussion will help a buyer develop realistic expectations as they navigate the building process.

3. Discussing a Buyer’s “Why”

Finding out why the buyer wants to buy a new construction home is a great way to make a strong connection with them, especially during the early phases of the sales process. Builders should ask why a buyer chose a particular community or city, what their “must haves” are for a build, and which optional items they would like to see make it into the budget.

Understanding a buyer’s reasoning serves two purposes. First, it demonstrates to the buyer that the builder genuinely cares about them. Second, it will help the builder more effectively serve the client, leading to higher satisfaction and a smoother overall sales process.

How Smart Staffing Solutions Helps Boost New Home Sales

Leveraging the human connection to close deals starts with the right new home sales staff. However, as you are probably well aware, recruiting the right homebuilding sales team can be tough. At times, people management might even feel outright impossible.

The good news is that you can connect with talented new home sales personnel by partnering with Smart Staffing Solutions. We provide staffing, recruiting, and human resources services to help homebuilding companies around the country source top talent.

Request talent today and let us make your staffing woes a distant memory.



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