Keep up with news in the new home sales industry along with career and hiring advice.

Make the Most of One-on-One Meetings

If you are involved in new home sales, leasing, or homebuilding, then you know just how important one-on-one meetings with clients are. If you nail this prime opportunity to connect with a client, you will be well on your way to making a sale or winning a contract. While every one-on-one is unique, there are a few common strategies you can apply to any meeting with a prospective client, business partner, or investor. These simple yet effective people management tactics can help you make the most out of your next meeting. Come Prepared The first tip on our list applies to human resources, staffing, recruiting,

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Telephone Interview Tips for Hiring Managers

Most employers follow a particular process before hiring a new employee. They start by posting an available opening on a job board, wait for résumés to roll in, and review them. Once they have a few applicants with the skills they’re looking for, they schedule interviews. Some employers choose to start with a short telephone interview. Telephone interviews can reveal additional details about the applicant before they move on to a formal, in-person discussion. For a telephone interview to be efficient, it’s essential to consider these critical tips. Know the Position You’re Hiring for Whether you’re a human resources professional or the hiring manager, you

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Top Red Flags to Look for on a Résumé

As a hiring manager, you want to ensure that you’re selecting qualified talent who will add value to your organization. Reviewing résumés is the beginning of the process. While a résumé won’t tell you about the applicant’s personality or cultural fit, it does provide their work history and other details. Here are a few résumé red flags to look for when assessing your talent pool. Careless Errors Poor language skills, bad formatting, and improper grammar should be red alerts for any hiring manager. While not everyone has excellent English skills, online proofreading tools, like Grammarly or the built-in solution available in Microsoft Word, can help

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5 Tips for Running an Effective Meeting

Sometimes meetings can feel like a waste of time — and they can be if management doesn’t plan for them. We’ve compiled a list of 5 tips for ensuring that you and your team get the most out of your meetings. 1. Schedule Meetings in Advance If you regularly call impromptu meetings, you may not be making the most of everyone’s time. Spontaneous discussions distract your team from their regular tasks and don’t give them any time to prepare. They’ll likely pop into the meeting not knowing what you want to discuss or how to answer your questions. If an issue arises that needs immediate

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5 Common Questions to Be Prepared for as a New Home Builder

New home sales and homebuilding are exciting industries to be in. Home builders construct their clients’ homes, allowing them to pick the features they want and turn them into reality. However, the process may start slowly. Most people are new to the homebuilding process and aren’t sure exactly what to expect. Here are a few typical questions you’ll hear from new customers. 1. Have You Been Building Homes for a Long Time? Understandably, customers want to know that their builder has experience. Clients are investing a lot of money in their new homes, and they don’t want to end up with a house that has

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Simple Hiring Practices to Increase Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Diversity and inclusion have become top priorities for many organizations over the past few years. Companies find that when they place a premium on a diverse work culture, they’re more likely to have happy employees who stick around for the long term. Consider these tips if you’re trying to promote diversity and inclusion in your organization. Change Up Your Job Postings Organizations that embrace diversity and inclusion don’t wake up one morning with a fully diverse workforce and an inclusive environment. Like most things, it takes time and dedication to create the atmosphere you’re looking for. Diversity and inclusion have their roots in the recruiting

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6 Features Buyers Expect to Find in Their Newly Built Homes

Individuals and families deciding to build their homes from the ground up are looking for features typically not standard in older homes. New homebuilding allows buyers to customize their residence with the amenities they desire. Some of the most common requests we’ve seen for new home sales include the following: 1. Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency tops the list. With utility bills at all-time highs, people want to minimize their heating and cooling expenses while limiting their environmental footprint. Solar panels that retain energy for electricity are a top request, as are electronically monitored heating and cooling systems that adjust to your preferences. Double-pane windows and

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Adjusting to the Post-COVID Construction Industry

To say that the coronavirus pandemic changed the construction industry would be a gross understatement. Truth be told, COVID-19 and its repercussions permanently reshaped the commercial construction and homebuilding industry, as well as new home sales, human resources, and people management in general. To adapt to the post-COVID construction industry, businesses like yours must rethink their staffing and recruiting tactics. Additionally, you must adopt new approaches to core business processes so that you can optimize your competitiveness in this ever-changing industry. While there are many ways that your organization can adjust to the post-COVID construction space, we recommend that you focus on these key solutions:

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4 Ways to Support an Underperforming Employee

Employee underperformance can be frustrating. Your organization’s human resources department has invested time and financial resources into the recruiting process, and naturally, you don’t want to waste this investment and cut ties with the employee prematurely. Fortunately, you may not have to. There are many ways that you can support an underperforming employee, including the following: 1. Address Underperformance Immediately The most effective way to resolve underperformance concerns and prevent staffing woes is to be proactive. If you notice that an employee’s performance has dipped, address it immediately. When addressing concerns about performance, be sure to use well-established people management protocols. Be direct, but understanding.

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3 Tips for Managing Different Generations

Modern businesses face challenges that organizations of old couldn’t have fathomed. Companies of today must efficiently carry out core business operations, find a way to make themselves stand out in the crowded digital marketplace, and manage talent from several generations. The latter challenge can be particularly difficult, as each generation in the workforce has unique perspectives, concerns, and professional objectives. If your business has team members who span multiple generations (which it likely does), there’s good news. You can implement more effective people management techniques by leveraging these 3 proven tips: 1.  Do Your Homework If you hope to effectively manage various generations, step one

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